Certainly convenient to be able to access on your mobile device quickly on the wards or between cases, but some additional features would earn this app 5 stars. Specifically, the number of questions per set should be customizable, not limited to 5, 25, 50 and 100 questions. Also, questions that have been previously answered, whether in quiz or browse mode, should be accessible following first use or have the option to be omitted in subsequent quizzes. Finally, previous quizzes should be able to be reviewed at any point following their completion. Make this app more similar to the UWorld app and more users will follow.
HuntDoctor about PreTest Self Assessment and Review: Pediatrics, Medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery, Neurology, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Biochemistry & Genetics, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, and Physical Diagnosis